Discover the Waterfalls
of the Panorama Route
The Panorama Route offers the highest density of easily accessible waterfalls in Mpumalanga.
Plan your sightseeing trip by selecting the waterfalls most suited to your desires, whether you're looking for short scenic walks, picnic spots, or adventurous hikes.
From the towering Mac Mac Falls to the serene Horseshoe Falls, each offers a unique experience.
Unless you are a dedicated waterfall chaser, we recommend selecting only a few to visit. Click on a waterfalls to read more about each waterfall and select the one which suits your travel style and time the most. The waterfalls are listed generally from our favorites to less facorite.
Also note that the experience at the waterfalls can vary greatly depending on the season - both in terms of how much water if flowing and how busy the viewing point is. Some waterfalls like Forest Falls and the secret waterfall need to be booked n advance.​

Lisbon Falls

Forest Falls

Lone Creek Falls

Horseshoe Falls

Maria Shires Falls

Mac Mac Falls

Berlin Falls

Bridal Veil Falls