Berlin Falls
Another must-see for waterfall chasers is Berlin Falls, just outside Graskop.
The falls tower 80 meters above the gorge and pool.

Gold mining still occurs in the river gorge below the waterfall.
Opening times are 0800 to 1700, though the site is not access restricted outside these times.

Things to do on site
View the waterfall
Access and Parking
Large parking with guard during official opening hours.
Access is possible after hours.
Things to do nearby
Lisbon Falls
God's Window
Lowveld View
The Pinnacle
Entrance Fees
R15 per person or R400 per bus
Berlin Falls is on the Panorama Route, Mpumalanga, South Africa.
Distance from Sabie is 39.8 km
Distance from Graskop is 11.6 km
Distance from White River is 86.7 km
The falls can also be visited from White River, a 1 hour 12 mins drive away, on a full day tour of the Panorama Route.
Graskop Tourism Information
013 764 33 99
Accommodation for Berlin Falls
If you are looking for accommodation to tour the Panorama Route and visit Berlin Falls, consider staying with us at ilanda Guest House in White River.