Maps & Brouchures of activities near ilanda Guest House
We've collected useful resources of nearby activities to view and download to help you plan your trip.
You'll find useful and easily accessible maps of nearby walking trails, brochures of activities and tour operators.
These activities are accessible from ilanda Guest House in White River as day trips or on your way to further destinations. ilanda Guest House in White River offers modern but relaxed accommodation.
Click on the title of the item you want to view or download.
Kruger National Park
Map of sights in Pilgrim's Rest to help you plan your visit.
Blyde Canyon Forever Resort Hiking Map
Several safe & easily accessible hiking trail in the Blyde River Forever Resort.
Misty Mounting Hiking Trail
Misty Mountain resort has a hiking trail which can be visited as a day visitor.
Fanie Botha
Hiking Trail
Fanie Botha is a multi-day hiking trail but can be visited in sections too.
Price & time of all SANParks activities from Lower Sabie. Game drives, night drives and walks.
Map of Lower Sabie Camp with amenities and accommodation
Numbi Gate Activities
Coming soon!
Phabeni Gate Activities
Coming soon!
Kruger National Park - Activities from KNP Gates
Price & time of all SANParks activities from Lower Sabie. Game drives, night drives and walks.
Skukuza Activities
Coming soon!
Pretoriuskop Activities
Coming soon!
Crocodile Bridge Activities
Coming soon!
Price & time of all SANParks activities from Lower Sabie. Game drives, night drives and walks.
Map of Lower Sabie Camp with amenities and accommodation
Numbi Gate Activities
Coming soon!
Phabeni Gate Activities
Coming soon!